Welcome To My blog--my name is Barb and I am a weaver in a small town in Wisconsin called Dell. Actually it is more of a place than a town but I love living in the middle of nowhere. I am a weaver and my studio name is"COULD HAVE BEEN A PIANO" I always said I was going to learn how to play the piano, but as luck would have it I met a wonderful group of women weavers and was hooked. I have been weaving for three years or so but have been addicted to fiber since I started knitting when I was about 10. I still love to knit and do some spinning and dying as well. I love natural fiber and texture. I like to use thrift store finds and use my imagination.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Summer Project--maybe winter too!!!!

I have always liked big projects so I decided to do a rep weave rug, actually two, this summer.  I think they will be a good project for the summer because I will only have a few hours every couple of days to work on it and that way I probably won't make as many mistakes.  I tend to make errors when I have a lot of time.  I am buying a loom from a friend Elin and hope to pick it up this week.  It is bigger and sturdier than my Mighty Wolf and my weaver friend "experts" tell me it is just the thing I need.  The project has 2672 ends and so far
I have about 600 wound.  This is the right boarder.  It is like a big puzzle! I love the colors and yes, I will walk on it! Wish me luck.


  1. OMG Barb, how I admire your ambition!!! You just are never afraid to try something or to get rid of it if you've tried, and it isn't what you had in mind. I have much to learn from you. It looks like it will be beautiful.

  2. Its funny but my mind works better on bigthings--I think its because I have to take my time-

  3. OK Barb -- good luck!! I love the pattern, it will be inspiring as you go.

  4. I just got a rug loom this spring too! Would you be willing to share the name of the book?
